Dan Deutsch

Author -- 17 posts
Homily: Sunday, July 3, 2022

Homily: Sunday, June 19, 2022

Homily: Sunday, June 5, 2022

Homily: Sunday, May 29, 2022

Homily: May 1, 2022

Homily: Sunday, March 20, 2022

Homily: Sunday, February 20, 2022

Love your enemies. This teaching from Jesus is hard. How is it even possible? In his homily from this weekend, Msgr. Deutsch...

Reflectio: The Rosary

The Rosary, it's such a powerful and focused devotion. In this week's Reflectio, Msgr. Deutsch shares his experience with the...

Homily: Sunday, February 13, 2022

In this weekend's homily, Msgr. Deutsch discusses humility and how we might grow in this virtue. The Litany of Humility

Reflectio: Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week is a great week to celebrate the contributions of Catholic education to our community and culture. It's...

Homily: Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sometimes we have to say things to the people we love even though our words are difficult for them to hear. We tell the truth...

A Living Faith: Christian and Julia

In our second episode of A Living Faith, Msgr. Deutsch sat down with Christian and Julia Lynn to hear how the Faith has played...

A Living Faith: Lindsay Tobin

For our first episode of A Living Faith, Msgr. Deutsch sat down with Linsay Tobin to hear what brought her to St. Pat's and how...

The Mass: Signs and Symbols

“There isn't one thing that we do at the Mass that didn't grow organically through the Old Testament into the time of Christ....

Reflectio: The Nativity

It's funny to receive presents on someone else's birthday. But that is the great joy of Christmas! The birth of Christ is the...

Reflectio: Our Lady of Guadalupe

In this Reflectio on Our Lady of Guadalupe, Msgr. Deutsch describes why this apparition is so significant in its time and...

The Way We Live

I had some friends from one of my previous parishes come for a visit not too long ago. In part of the conversation, one of them...